Animalhealer Academy
Upgrade Program
Level-Up your skills!
Have you finished your Animalhealer Academy Foundation Course and now you want more?
Do you wish to dive deep into your Spiritual Connection to The Animals, as a Mentee or even as a Practitioner?
Do you wish to add to your existing Animalhealer Academy Program?
Build up your Competences Step-by-Step.
Pay only for the difference between the two programs,
No Step-up fee!!
You can always step-up your program level!
If you are an existing Student at Animalhealer Academy and if you have begun or finished one of our program levels and you want to 'Level-Up' to another program, you can always 'jump' to the program you want to join!
Courses Comparison
We offer a scalable program, so you can always upgrade and learn more.
Have a look at the Programs & Plans below,
to find which program match your requirements.
Courses Comparison
A variety of Courses to meet your needs
...and you can 'step up' between the programs, whenever you want to!
Animalhealer Academy Foundation
Your Foundation & Baseline Training!
The Animalhealer Academy Foundation Course is the Corner Stone in The Animalhealer Academy!
This is your solid baseline of knowledge, tools and practices for your Spiritual Work with The Animal Kingdom
You will learn about Animal Spirituality, Animal Healing and Animal Communication
Animalhealer Academy Foundation Course Advanced
Train with
Personal Support!
Access to Online Training with the Animalhealer Academy Foundation Course.
personal support & guidance throughout your training.
Personal 1:1 Calls on Zoom or Skype
You will learn about Animal Spirituality, Animal Healing and Animal Communication
Animalhealer Academy
Online Mentee & Coaching
Deepen Your Studies
as a Mentee!
Becoming a Mentee is for you, who want to take a significant step in your Spiritual Work for The Animals!
This is a Calling towards Dedication, Deep heartfelt Studying and of Being in Service to Helping Animals in this world--
Study & Learn in the Spiritual Realm of The Animal Kingdom
Animalhealer Academy Practitioner & Certification
Become a Professional & Build your Business!
The Practitioners Certification is taking the Spiritual Work for The Animals to the level of The Professional!
Offer your service to others, guiding them and their Animal Friend, on their path ahead
Create your own Animal Healing & Communication Business as a Certified Profesional
Foundation Course
Animalhealer Academy Foundation Course Online Access
Foundation Course Advanced
Foundation Course Online Access
Online Mentee & Coaching
Foundation Course Online Access
Practitioner & Certification
Foundation Course Online Access
We can all live in Unity with The Animals.
A spiritual approach is a wonderfull way of
getting into Unity with The Animal Kingdom and share
our Unique Spiritual Connection with them.
Connection * Spirituality * Communication
Animalhealer Academy
is a Spiritual Transformation Platform, contributing to raising the Awareness of Animals, their energy field and their spiritual intention for inhabiting this world together with us humans.
Our aim is to heighten the awareness of how important it is for both humans and animals, to live together in loving and compassionate co+existence.
© Copyrights by Animalhealer Academy
All Rights Reseved.