Press & Media
The Animals needs us to speak for them, on many levels and with many voices!
My mission is, To Share The Spiritual Voice of The Animals, Globally!
'Let us together help Save the Animals of this world. One Animal @ a time!!'
…it is so helpful when the press assist me to voice my message!
I really appreciate every opportunity to ‘get the word out there!’
There have been various activities on my part, around Press & Media, throughout the 20+ years I have done this work.
I have featured in various magazines and newspapers,
I have linked to those below (my apologies, some are only in Danish)
I have also featured on national Danish TV 'The Evening Show' in 2008, a nationwide and very popular TV show here in Denmark, and on National Danish Morning Radio in 2019.
I have participated in a variety of local TV-station programs about Rescue Animals. Every one of these programs, magazines, shows etc. is helping to spread the message about how important The Animals are to our world and that we need to take better care of them!
Books & Interviews
Holistic Healing
The book ‘Holistic Healing’ was published in November 2020.
In Holistic Healing, Dr. Andrea Pennington from MakeYourMarkGlobal presents 12 real life stories of people from various backgrounds and cultures who have made the mind-body connection that is so essential to healing the self.
My contribution to this beautiful energy project is the chapter:
‘How Healing The Animals, healed me!’
This is a deep & transformational story about working with and through deep trauma. Also, how energy and healing work with animals, helped me on my healing journey - and especially how I use what I have learned to help the animals of our world!
In the interview linked below, Dr. Andrea Pennington, from MakeYourMarkGlobal and I, talk about animals ( well, obviously ;) ), Animal Healing, Our-of-Body & Near-Death-Experiences and much more!
Magic & Miracles
The book ‘Magic and Miracles’ was published in December 2018.
The book contains 21 authors' stories about magical events in their lives.
This book is a ‘group-energy project’, so much more than ‘just a book!’
My contribution to this beautiful energy project is the chapter:
‘We Bought A Farm, But We’re Not Farmers!’
...yes, we actually did that, my darling hubby and I! How crazy is that! Two it-nerds buying a farm! And NO, we had absolutely no farming experience when we took over the farm!
You can follow our farm on Instagram
In the interview linked below, Dr. Andrea Pennington, from MakeYourMarkGlobal and I, talk about animals ( well, obviously ;) ), Animal Healing, Manifestations in our life and many other exciting spiritual topics!
I’m such a Healing Energy Nerd! …there, I said it – and I mean it! I trust deeply in the Laws of The Universe. So when coming together in a gathering – physical or online, The Group Energy is powerful & transformational!
I have featured in Online Summits, Films, Podcasts & various Articles and I love this opportunity to be part of the mission of a group coming together, to change and lift the energy for all to benefit from!
Børn og dyr er egentlig temmelig ens på mange punkter. De rummer en ægthed og autencitet der, i uspolerede form, viser os noget at den direkte forbundethed, som vi har til 'Universet inden'. Her er jeg gæst i 'Det Gode Børneliv', hos Gitte Winter Gravgaard fra Room for Reflection, sammen med Joan Thygesen, Direktør for Odsherred Zoo Rescue. Joan fortæller om Odsherred Zoo Rescue, hvordan det hele startede med Rescue Dyr og om hvordan det er at drive Danmarks første Rescue center for eksotiske dyr. Vi taler dyr, healing & energi og om, hvordan vi kan opnå en tættere kontakt til dyrene og lære børn at forbinde sig til dyrenes sjæl.
Web TV & Radio
Most of my own healing field work takes place at Odsherred Zoo Rescue, Denmarks' first and largest rescue center for exotic animals. I’ve been giving treatments to these rescue animals for more than 10 years and my work here with these animals is very dear to my heart.
On Play Rescue tv på, we have talked about how these treatments benefit Rescue Animals.
'Talking to Golden Arrow' is a beautiful movie by Miriam Thiel-Alberts. The movie is about Miriams meeting with the horse Golden Arrow and how this meeting has impacted Miriam's life.
I contributed to the movie and parts of it were shot here at our farm in Denmark.
The movie was screened at Equus Film Festival 2015 in New York and in Equinale 2016 & Equinale 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
Connection * Spirituality * Communication
'All animals are Sentient Soulful Beings, in their own right'
From The Animalhealer Academy Rescue Program Manifesto
Animalhealer Academy
is a Spiritual Transformation Platform, contributing to raising the Awareness of Animals, their energy field and their spiritual intention for inhabiting this world together with us humans.
Our aim is to heighten the awareness of how important it is for both humans and animals, to live together in loving and compassionate co+existence.
© Copyrights by Animalhealer Academy
All Rights Reseved.