IAmHereForTheAnimals, PonyWisdom #BePonySmart
Words of Wisdom from Kingo
The Wise Shetland Pony :)
22 june 2021
‘Live Life as if you were up to your ears in long grass, with your BFF by your side!’
Kingo, the Shetland Pony.
‘Look upon the world, with gleeful eyes’
Kingo, the Shetland Pony.
'All animals are Sentient Soulful Beings, in their own right'
Animalhealer Academy
is a Spiritual Transformation Platform, contributing to raising the Awareness of Animals, their energy field and their spiritual intention for inhabiting this world together with us humans.
Our aim is to heighten the awareness of how important it is for both humans and animals, to live together in loving and compassionate co+existence.
© Copyrights by Animalhealer Academy
All Rights Reseved.